About Half A Dialogue

“Half a Dialogue” was written in reply to the Encyclical Laudato Si’, released by Pope Francis on June 18, 2015. He issued an explicit invitation, asking 25 times for “dialogue,” 12 times for “debate,” and 6 times for “discussion” on the Encyclical. The author of “Half a Dialogue”, Diane C. Harris, has responded to Pope Francis’ request, with particular concern about assumptions of global warming and climate change, and the risk of the environmental path to “One World Religion.”

Excerpts from Laudato Si’ Encyclical of Pope Francis

“…this Encyclical welcomes dialogue with everyone … together we can seek paths of liberation….” #64
“Leaving an inhabitable planet…has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn.” #160
“Human beings … are called to lead all creatures back to their Creator.” #83
“…the practical relativism of our age is ‘even more dangerous than doctrinal relativism.’” #122
“Inner peace is closely related to care for ecology.” #225
“As Christians, we are also called ‘to accept the world as a sacrament of communion….”’ #9
“…an ecological conversion can inspire us … in offering ourselves to God ‘as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable.”’ #220
“He comes not from above but from within…. Eucharist…embraces and penetrates all creation.” #236
“…all creatures … make their own that Trinitarian dynamism.” #240
“…lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used … for postponing cost-effective measures….” #186
“Climate change is a global problem with grave implications….” #25
“…scientific and experimental methods … already a technique of possession, mastery ….” #106
“Nor are there genuine ethical horizons to which one can appeal.” #110

Excerpts from Foreword of Half a Dialogue

“Half a Dialogue” is the author’s contribution to the dialogue requested by Pope Francis. It expresses concerns in a frank but respectful way. In the Foreword, Harris writes:

“…I began to think of Pope Urban VIII’s assertion of a geocentric theory of the universe … in a wider sense, Laudato Si’ looms as being, in its own time, ‘geocentric’ as well….” Page i

“As a scientist by education and training, I … felt an obligation to respond to non-scientific allegations based on the fallacy of ‘consensus’ …” Page ii

“Surprisingly, the Laudato Si’ Encyclical appears to align with individuals and organizations such as the United Nations in its ‘sustainability’ jargon, a code word for abortion, contraception and euthanasia ….” Page v

“Laudato Si’ sadly lacks a clear, firm declaration against those enemies of Catholic Teaching…” Page v


Errata can be found here.

Links in Appendix F can be found there.